One of the things I look forward to each year is getting the girls' Santa pictures out of the Christmas Boxes. My favorite is this one from *last* year with Audrey screaming (and Eva's botched bang trim. I didn't do it, I swear!) Such a classic. There is a very similar one of me and Emily as children. Wish I had it here so I could share it with you. Maybe next year. Need a good laugh? Look through this flickr search of Scared of Santa pictures. Dig yours out of the Christmas box and throw it on your blog - I'd love to see it!
Too funny! Santa doesn't look all that jolly either!!
I love hanging up the Santa pictures! I put a piece of velcro on the back of each and hang them on a ribbon. Hmmmmm . . . maybe I'll blog about that - but I probably won't! Anyhoo, I hope you are having a grand time. I love reading about all your adventures. The Christmas Market sounded (and looked) so fabulous! Oh and Logan had that same bang job last haircut - it's finally growing long enough to go for a haircut this weekend. Hoping for the best this time!
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