Tuesday, April 21

I Heart Amsterdam

This is what I loved about Amsterdam ~

:: The canals.
We took a boat tour of the canals. Great introduction to the city.

:: Canal houses.
Tall, skinny and unmistakeably Dutch. Read more here.

:: Bicycles.
Everywhere. Everyone rides a bicycle~ old, rusty, loved, cruisers, with bells to be exact. It was amazing. I've never seen anything like it. I read that in 2006 there were nearly 500,000 bicycles in Amsterdam. I believe it.

:: Museums.
On Saturday evening my thoughtful husband insisted I go to The Van Gogh Museum - he tucked the girls in bed and hung out at the apartment. It was magnificent. Next time I hope to visit the Anne Frank House. Read about more Amsterdam musesums here.

:: Design, arcitecture, color.
These are apartments made out of shipping containers. Do you see what I see? A quilt! Read more about container housing here.

:: Dutch pancakes.
Sorta like a cross between a Dutch Baby and a regular old pancake. They come in sweet and savory versions. Both delicous.

:: Cutest store I've ever seen.
Fairytaleshop. Naturally it was closed. But I could shop it on line. You could too.

:: The best souvenirs in Europe.
I bought so much the store clerk gave me a free clog bank.


Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

You highlighted so many of the things I also loved when I visited Amsterdam...can't wait to go back. Glad you had fun.

Monkey's Mama said...

what cute little clog banks!

This Girl loves to Talk said...

jealous jealous jealous... holland/netherlands/amsterdam/ beligum.... I WANT TO GO THERE!!!

Anonymous said...

OH this post makes me want to jump on a plane and go RIGHT.NOW.

Sigh...someday I'll get my European vacation.

Kristin & Steve said...

Beautiful travel-blog Katy! I thoroughly enjoyed your photos and comments. Great format (watch my blog for a copy cat version one of these days)!

Lena said...

What a wonderful way to narrate your trip! It sounds like a dreamy time. I remember those bicycles in Amsterdam... I was amazed when we came out of the airport, or maybe it was the train station, and there was a bridge across a canal (fuzzy memory here, but I think that is right) and the sides of the bridge had mounds and mounds of bicycles resting and locked up to the side rails. They were literally doubled and tripled up and sometimes on top of each other! I also remember adventuring into the red-light district as a high school kid.... was that ever a sight to see!

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