Monday, September 20

Buckwheat by Mistake

Farine de ble noir - aka Buckwheat flour
Remember how I told you I'm making brown bread? And remember how I mentioned trying a new flour? Well, I picked one up today that was, what I thought, whole wheat without being a bread flour. I looked at the label, noir? I know that means black, but in my mind I'd decided it was whole wheat flour, regardless of what it said on the package. Do you ever do that? Just look at something and know it's right without really checking the facts? I do it. And I usually don't realize I'm doing it until the mistake has been made.

Anyhoo, while unloading the groceries I started to have doubts. Black flour? Noir is not at all close to complet the French word that means whole wheat. And what are those black bits on the package? When I saw the flour I knew it wasn't what I wanted. It looked a bit like fine pepper mixed with flour. I went for it anyway, using only 2 cups of it and a cup each of pain complet and regular white flour.
Buckwheat Brown Bread by accident
After baking, the loaf looked alright. But let me assure you it didn't taste alright! It tasted like you'd imagine gray flour to taste - a little ashy. And inedible.

Turns out what I bought was BUCKWHEAT flour. Don't laugh you French speakers out there! Saved by Google Translate once again. Buckwheat flour is almost gluten free and can taste bitter (or ashy!) It is traditionally used to make galettes from the Brittany region of France. Not Irish Brown Bread. Ha Ha Ha.

So, into the garbage it went and I made another loaf. This time in a loaf pan and I used 50% pain complet and 50% white flour. It's pretty good. More tomorrow.


christie said...

Oh will now have to make Buckwheat
pancakes. They are yummy.

Annabel, Mikko, Marcelle and Eric said...

I burst out laughing when I read your last paragraph about French speakers not laughing! Sorry...couldn't help myself!
Usually, when I'm buying things in Swedish, I usually comment to my friends and family by saying, well not speaking Swedish only cost me x amount of money today on x amounts of interactions...Like say useless medicine measuring cups that the pharmacist sells to you to go with your medicine and you're sure you said no, but somehow they charged it, so you have one extra cup to add to your stash...So far, it's only cost me a few extra bucks, nothing too drastic!

katy said...

Mom - Too late, the flour is already in the bin. Maybe I should have held onto it.

Marcelle - That is a funny way to look at it, monetarily. I think I've wasted the most money ordering at restaurants . . .you know . . oh, is *that* what I ordered? At least I was tipped off to Filet American before I was ever tempted to order it.

Unknown said...

K - I cant stop reading your blog today - it is just what the nurse practitioner ordered. I have a fantastic recipe for a buckwheat torte - just thinking about it makes my mouth water. I will email it asap. xo S

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