Monday, November 19

Right Now: Late November

Listening:: to the rain fall and fall and fall. . .

doll quilts

Reading:: this dark and mysterious book.  I highly recommend it.

Remembering:: how to cook a turkey.  Not sure why I need to re-learn this each year, my mind must be filled with other things.
Doll Quilts

Watching:: this.  Strange I know but I just love this show. . . all except that cynical, negative Kevin O'Leary.

Thinking:: of our friends in Luxembourg. We met some great peeps over there.   

Eating: mushrooms.  I'm seriously craving anything that contains them.  Today I bought some chantrelles to add to the Thanksgiving stuffing.   

Making:: doll quilts and pillows.  My girls sewed the pillows all by themselves - they insisted!  So fun to be actually sewing with my daughters!!

Playing:: this song over and over again.  Do you get obsessed with specific songs and play them to death?  I do.
doll quilts

Feeling:: resigned to turning 40.  Not that I could have stopped it.  But the mental fight has ceased.  Guess that is good as my birthday is on Thursday.

Hoping:: the family will all be healthy soon - we've been hit with the stomach flu, coughs and colds.  Tis the season, I guess.

Wondering:: if Bryce and I will pull of this 40th birthday bash we have planned for each other (he turns 40 in December.) I've been so relaxed about it but now I'm freakin' out!

Coveting:: absolutely nothing.  Right now I feel like I have just what I need.

Please tell me, where are you right now


likeschocolate said...

Happy Birthday and happy thanksgiving ! Hope you all feel better soon!

Dana said...

Happy Birthday!

Right now I am feeling annoyed, uninspired, tired, and bored. Sorry to rain on your parade with the negativity...
Hoping to hop out of it sooner than later, esp since I have house guests from Thursday to Sunday!


PS. 40. It really is a good thing.

LisaK said...

So fun sewing with the girls. Have you seen the Stitch & Sew Studio in West Seattle. They have all sorts of sewing/craft classes including ones for kids. I am hoping to get the girls into one or two in the new year. Looking forward to the party!!

Emily Malate said...

music wise I'm going through a rediscovery of my grrl and grunge roots....listened to Mudhoney's Touch Me I'm Sick about 10 times yesterday, and the L7 song that has the line "you little dingbat" a couple times too.

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