Friday, January 23

I Love You Garland

I made this yesterday. I got the idea from something my sister did with her staff last Valentine's Day - they created a Tree of Love. Everyone brought in pictures of their loved ones and hung them on a potted tree in the office. I thought it was such a lovely way to celebrate Valentine's Day - sharing your loved ones, visiting them during the day, and getting to know your co-workers better. We don't have any house plants yet or any co-workers for that matter so I morphed her idea into this I Love You garland.

1) I printed pictures off the computer on to regular old paper. I didn't worry or fuss about the size - those kind of details drive me mad.
2) I glued the pictures onto red construction paper.
3) Made a heart template out of tag board
4) Traced the template on the the picture

5) Cut out the hearts. Pressed them in a heavy book overnight.

6) Sewed them onto bakers twine, about every 4 inches. I used a sturdy needle threaded with 2 strands of embroidery floss. Went through the heart first and then through the twine. Cut and knotted on the back of the photo.

7) Hang and admire

This will probably stay up way past Valentine's Day - its nice to have our loved ones so close.


Annette said...

I love your garland. I have been enjoying reading your blog :)

Heather - said...

Super cute! Love the baker's twine!

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

I love this idea and what a great way for your children to think about their family and friends even from a distance. I'll be curious to see how Valentine's Day is celebrated there.

Emily Malate said...

Dutchy! what a cute idea! Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Another fab idea from Katy! I love your craftiness. I am still holding out that you'll start a craft club when you return. Some of us are a bit craftiness disabled....and in need of help. :)

* elizabeth * said...

wonderful! If Crafty Crow deosn't have you yet, you should go over and point them to this post!

Lisa said...

SUPER CUTE!!!! I have all sorts of garland images running through my head and need to sit down and actually make one!!!

Emily Malate said...

PS I like your socks :)

Henley on the Horn said...

You are SO creative! WOW! I Love it. How did you think of it?

Jessica said...

I absolutely LOVE this idea. Something to keep up all year round, too!

This Girl loves to Talk said...

oh that is just darling... I havent started on valentines stuff yet.. we have Australia Day this weekend (national public holiday - kinda like the 4th of july) Chinese new year.. then valentines.. phew.. wonder if anything will get done ;)

Regina said...

this is so pretty! what a great idea :) Thank you for sharing it. said...

This is SOOO fantastic! What a fabulous idea. My garland would be full of family and pets...I'm totally going to have to do this. What a sweet keepsake...Thanks so much for sharing this creative idea, I'll be linking.

mommy23monkeys said...

I love this idea!! So cute!

Road Trippers said...

Hmmm..I'm trying to think of how to turn this idea into valentines for the kids' classes. Necklaces?? So adorable.

Anonymous said...

these are amazing! really love them!

Anonymous said...

Love this!

Anonymous said...

This idea is so awesome. I will be doing this tomorrow in my daycare center. Thanks for sharing.

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