Wednesday, April 1

Raspberry & Lemon Goodness

I think this dish just screams spring and Easter. It is called, Lemon-Raspberry French Toast Strata. I found it on epicurious. It comes together in no time and can even be made ahead. Can't beat that.

One of the things I like about epicurious is reading the comments at the end of the recipes. I find they give me a more honest and realistic description of the dish. The comments tend to be short, practical and not pretentious. They also are filled with suggestions and substitutions to try. I followed a few of the suggestions for this recipe, like adding the zest of a whole lemon instead of just 1 teaspoon and adding some vanilla extract. I also let it soak for a few hours before baking. Here is the recipe from epicurious including the additions I made:

Lemon Raspberry French Toast Strata

2/3 cup maple syrup plus more for serving

6 cups (12 ounces) day old french bread, cut into 1 inch pieces (use the crust too)

1 pint fresh raspberries

6 eggs

4 cups whole milk

zest of one lemon

1 t vanilla
1/4 t salt

Butter a 9x13 inch dish. Pour maple syrup in the bottom. Scatter bread cubes and raspberries on top of the syrup.

Whisk together: eggs, milk, lemon zest, vanilla, and salt. Pour over bread mixture. Put in fridge for a few hours or overnight (or just put into the oven)

Bake at 350 deg
rees for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Let cool for 20 minutes before serving.

Dust with powdered sugar to make it prettier and serve with maple syrup.


Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Wow that does look good....I love raspberries and it looks like a pretty easy recipe. Thanks for sharing it. I agree with you about epicurious. The comments are always so helpful.

Heather - said...

That looks amazing, Katy!! Yum yum yum!

Kristin & Steve said...

Yum! I wonder if I could make it work with strawberries. They are available fresh from the fields just now and are truly delectable. Raspberries on the other hand a extraordinarily rare (not to mention frightfully expensive) in these parts. They should be plentiful in the Pacific Northwest by the time we get there this summer. I'll plan to try your treat then!

Monkey's Mama said...

YUM! I wish Mark could eat EGGS

Lisa said...

YUMMY!! I may be hosting an Easter brunch so I will put this on the menu!!!


You don't know me but I found your blog and love reading it..hope you don't mind...I see that you are in luxembourg..not sure I spelled that right..but my husband was considering a job you like it??

Jessica said...

I think I just found Easter breakfast :)

Catherine said...

That looks deliciously simple, thanks for sharing!

Stacey said...

Just perfect for breakfast tomorrow, which is my son's third birthday. He asked for a raspberry birthday cake with raspberry ice cream. I'll serve those for his party on Saturday. I'm getting ready to whip this up and will bake it for a special breakfast tomorrow. One more thing on my to-do list to celebrate his big day, but I'm having fun planning surprises for him. Thanks for sharing this.

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