More specifically we'll be rockin in the free & German world. Hee hee. Bryce and I are sneaking off this weekend to Cologne to see Neil in concert. Oh happy day! Ya know I really just attend these concerts with Bryce so I can watch him be in his happy place. Little known fact: I've attended one more Neil Young concert than Bryce. A fact I love to torture him with.
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
Happy to see you're back online! Even as strangers, I take great joy in following your adventures abroad...I also just got back from 6 weeks with my parents as my dad had undergone open heart surgery...He's still recovering and has a long road ahead of him, but he's still there and I still get to harass him over the phone every day!
The days are getting insanely long here, Midsummer's Eve is just around the corner, probably an event as big as Christmas here in Sweden, though for us, it means a nice long weekend to enjoy...
Hope your mom is feeling better and all is getting back to normal...
Have a great time!!!
Sounds so fun and exciting! Sneaking off to Cologne has got to be better than sneaking off to the Gorge or the White River Amphitheater. So envious!!
Was is the PJ and Neil gorge concert we went to that gives you the one up??
Annabel - Glad your dad is recovering. I don't know a thing about Midsummer . . .love to know more!
Karin - You are right it was WAY more fun!! Strange to see Germans singing along to songs about Pocahontas and the white man . . .
Emily - it was the PJ/Neil concert we saw with Irini. Hee hee.
I almost feel like in highschool when you find an international penpal (of sorts!)...Midsummer is a big party marking the longest day of the year, it is always celebrated on the Firday before June 24th and is insanely huge...Every Swede and their dogs head off to the summer cottages and pay tribute to the light...After spend my second winter here, I can certainly appreciate this celebration! Honestly, we haven't seen the stars in over a month, it's like a perpetual sunset (when the sun eventually does decide to set sometime after 1030PM) as it pops right back up at 3AM! I think I actually had a better appreciation for it this time around as opposed to last year as everything was way too new...
I love your posts about the differences, as I also have learned to live with them, some of them good, some of them not so good... So far, my biggest challenge is just learning the language and hopefully not say anything inappropriate!
Side note, my name is Marcelle, Annabel is my daugther's name...We're Canadians living in Stockholm since January 2008 (thought you might enjoy some background info!)
Har det bra (Have it good, as they say here in Sweden!)
Marcelle, that is so interesting. I was under the impression that it is dark most of the year in Sweden NOT light. Sounds like Chili - the days never ended. Dinner started around 10:30pm. Honestly, I don't have the energy for days that long . . . I need an end :)
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