I'm sure you get the gist of how these were made just by looking at them. Here are the highlights, just in case ~
1) Print out pictures (I sized mine 2 inches X 2 inches) on computer printer fabric. There are many kinds to choose from. Here is what I bought.
2) Write your text lightly with pencil.
3) Embroider over the text. I used an outline stitch.
4) Use a template to cut your image and text out - I used a 4.5 inch square.
5) Sew, right sides together. Leave a little hole to turn. I sewed a bit of ric rak in at this point to serve as a hanger.
6) Turn, lightly stuff, and sew hole shut. * I continued with a top stitch all the way around the perimeter to make the hole closing not so obvious.* I'm really happy with the way it finished.
7) Admire

3) Embroider over the text. I used an outline stitch.
4) Use a template to cut your image and text out - I used a 4.5 inch square.
5) Sew, right sides together. Leave a little hole to turn. I sewed a bit of ric rak in at this point to serve as a hanger.
6) Turn, lightly stuff, and sew hole shut. * I continued with a top stitch all the way around the perimeter to make the hole closing not so obvious.* I'm really happy with the way it finished.
7) Admire

wonderful! This is a gerat idea for big families.
WOW! You are amazing! I cannot embroider. Any other ideas for me? Do you buy the fabric at AC Moore or a similar craft store? I love it! I would flip out if I could actually make these! And don't feel bad, I wrote about Christmas in September!!!
I love this idea for an ornament. It's perfect for family members that are far away.
These are beautiful. I may even "attempt" these this year...
Cute!! I hope Auntie gets one!! :)
I love that idea!! I am glad you posted this now... it usually takes me a couple months to get around to projects, so the timing is right for me!! ) Thanks for the idea!!
Super cute! I love this idea. Thanks for sharing...even if it is a bit early :)
Those are really great! I need to start figuring out what ornaments I'm going to make this year. I try to include a homemade ornament on the package of all my relatives. I think it does make it more personal even when the package itself isn't homemade.
Very cute! Love this idea!
What a cute idea! And if you do them yearly then the family will have a fun Christmas way to remember you kids as they grew up! Cool:)
these are gorgeous!! I dont have a colour printer so I wonder if it would look nice in black and white... and I dont think i have ever seen printer fabric in Australia.. maybe I need to check out a special craft store
Now this is somehting I can do!!
Love it.
SOOOOOO CUTE! I do photo ornaments every year for the grandparents so this would be a nice variation. I am thinking of maybe letting the girls get in on the decorating of them with fabric paints since I don't embroider (though this seems like a good start). Thanks, as always for the great ideas!
These are adorable! I might just steal this idea!~ I wonder how I'll fit all 4 of my kids on one. lol
That is an amazing idea! I'm sure those will be cherished and loved for a long, long time!
Those are fabulous. No need for anything else, those are the perfect gift. Great work Katy!!!
okay, I had no idea printer fabric existed!! You have amazed me yet again!
No, please keep sharing more of your Christmas crafts. Beginners like me need ideas WAY in advance. And really the whole tradition behind Christmas in July was about making all the gifts super early so the women folk could turn their attention to all the holiday cooking and other stuff.
Oh these are so cute! thanks for sharing over at Sew Mama Sew.. I really think I may do this for Christmas!! Great idea~~~
These are great! I don't embroider either. I think I'll pick a cool font and print "JOY" under the picture. Thank you for the great idea.
I have a question about these, but its so dumb I think I'll e-mail! :)
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