Summer Zucchini Bites
Source: The Way to His Heart
Notes: No bites for this gal; I used a regular muffin tin instead of a mini. These were delicious. I stored them in the fridge and ate 2 in the mornings. The recipe is a good base for other combos. Oh, I decreased the bread crumbs to 1/4. Will make these again!

Broccoli Salad
Source: A Chick Who Can Cook
Notes: I LOOOVE this salad. I cut the carbs/sugar a bit by using 1/4 cup raisins and using 1 T of honey instead of 1.5. I need to stop making it though because I don't want to get sick of it. I've used the dressing on coleslaw as well. Delish!

Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles
Source: Yummy Supper
Notes: The girls were very excited about these. They tasted very tangy - too tangy for me. I even used a bit more agave than was called for. We're going to make Creamsicle Popsicles next.

"Not Rice"
Source: A Foothill Home Companion
Notes: I really excepted this to taste like rice. It didn't. It tasted like soft cauliflower. Because that is what it was. May try it again - baked longer and using dryer cauliflower. Intrigued by Molly's "not noodles" too.

Baked Zucchini Chips
Source: Vittles and Bits
Notes: I don't think I sliced these thin enough. I'd say this recipe requires a mandolin. My chips were chewy.
What cooking in your kitchen?
Hi Katy,
Cooking in the kitchen? Not at this time of year. It's either grilled or chilled (hey...that could be my next blog post title: Grilled or Chilled). Specifically we are enjoying grilled veggies and have changed it up a bit on the advice of a friend who suggested placing the veggies entirely plain on. The grill and then adding the condiments, olive oil, salt, pepper, when done. It's working for thinly sliced zucchini, eggplant, and portobello caps.
Good to see you back here!
Now I'm going to try the zucchini bites! I wondered about that one...
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