I was going to show you my quilt top today or write a post about our quaint European life. Just not where it's at for me right now. I want to write about cheese. Big cheese - 1/2 a kilo of cheese to be exact. I think drugs are measured in kilos too. Hmmm. Look at this big, beautiful hunk of love I picked up at the grocery store today. Parmigiano Reggiano by the kilo. The guy at the deli counter was sawing it off in chunks. Chunks! The price? You're going to be sick. 6.50 euro for my chunk. 15 euro for a whole kilo. What's a kilo you ask? I'm not entirely sure and my computer connection is WAY too slow for me to look it up, but I'm quite sure it's heavy. Oh, and big.
Ah, now I just need a big bottle of Chianti and some time alone.
(And a Kilogram is equivalent to 2.2 pounds...for all of us stateside.)
hehehe i just had to comment on how weird it was to hear someone ask what a Kilo was equivalent to! Im from Australia so that is all we use lol!
Good score too by the way :)
Yum, yum, yum....Can I come to lux to join you for a slice?
mmmmmmmm cheese!
I am on my way...CHEESE AND WINE! MMMMMMMM. Sure wish you could bring a CHUNK of that to my ornament party!
yes I always get confused with all my american recipes.. I have no idea what the measurements are :) we use grams and kilos
Stop taunting me Katy!
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