My birthday was yesterday - still technically in my mid 30s (whew!) We had a quiet, enjoyable day. Bryce and the girls gave me a beautiful cashmere scarf. Around lunch time, we went to the city center to walk around and see the sites. There was a farmer's market going on which we meandered through. Can't wait to go again when it's not freezing. We had lunch out. The strangest thing about my birthday was being in a different time zone. My birthday here was over when it was just beginning at home. Sorta seems like 2 birthdays. Happy Birthday to my FIL who celebrated his on the 21st!

Rumor has it that our air shipment is arriving this week. So very happy as it has our Christmas gear. I almost have a quilt top finished (I bought an inexpensive sewing machine.) It just needs a border. Hoping to share photos this week.
I'm glad you had a good birthday...I can't wait to see the pictures of this quilt top!
Gorgeous pictures! Enjoy the snow:)
Didn't know it was your bday...I'm so glad it was a nice day. Enjoy the snow! Hugs to the girls.
sounds like you'll have a white christmas this year. Fun!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day. Mine was last Wednesday. Enjoy the snow.
Here's a sloppy smooch for your belated birthday present! I've missed ALL my Sag birthdays this year. whoops.
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