Whether you call them macaroons or macarons what we're talking about here are these beautiful little French pasteries made famous by the Laduree family of France. They are nothing like the chewy blobs of coconut you are picturing. I was totally unaware of their existence until reading about The Black Apple's obsession with them. I was thrilled to run across them at Auchan during one of my many shopping expeditions. Strangly though they were were missing the cream filling.
The macarons are not what I expected. I thought they would be a light, flaky sugar cookies. No. They crack on the outside and are chewy and almost raw like on the inside. The cookie is made with blanched almonds ground up - almost like almond paste. The best part. They come in the most interesting flavors - grenadine, licorice, amber, rose petal. Of course, I missed out on the whole flavor thing because the macarons I bought were missing the filling. But mark my words the first time we set food in Paris, I will be making a run to Laduree's. Ooooo, I can't wait!
The macarons are not what I expected. I thought they would be a light, flaky sugar cookies. No. They crack on the outside and are chewy and almost raw like on the inside. The cookie is made with blanched almonds ground up - almost like almond paste. The best part. They come in the most interesting flavors - grenadine, licorice, amber, rose petal. Of course, I missed out on the whole flavor thing because the macarons I bought were missing the filling. But mark my words the first time we set food in Paris, I will be making a run to Laduree's. Ooooo, I can't wait!
Oh, those look so yummy!!!
Mmmmm! Those do look yummy and your description of the various kinds are making my mouth water! I know my mom really likes them but I've never had one that made my heart sing. Perhaps some day I'll find one. :)
I've never tried one, but I'm going to try to make them because they look sooooo pretty!
Oh, no need to go to Paris ! I find them even better than in Paris (I've compared) at Wenge, on Rue Louvigny in Luxembourg. They really are incredible there... but wait until you see all their cakes... http://www.wenge.lu/le-wenge/patisserie/
i'm envious that you can just make a run for laduree! (i suppose you are not that far?) eating their rose macarons are definitely one of the highlights of past trips to france. :)
if you have a Picard store ( that's fine frozen food) somewhere nearby, they have excellent macarons that can easily compete with Laduree (the only difference will be you'll have many more of them for the same money !)
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