Ya know what I love about living in a new place? The little differences. Not the big obvious differences like currency or the metric system. No, the little things -like turkeys with "shins" and quaint circuses. Seriously, I enjoy a pretty cathedral or a massive castle as much as the next person. But the little differences? Well, they are simply fascinating. So, in the spirit of curiosity and discovery, I'm going to start posting these "little differences" as I run across them. Naturally, they may not be differences at all for you, but for me they are the daily reminders that I'm not in my western corner of the USA anymore.

Little Difference #1 - LIGHT FIXTURES
When you move into a house or an apartment here in Luxembourg there are no light fixtures. Wires, sockets and (possibly) bulbs are all you'll see. We had 13 light fixtures to buy and install. Let's see, we have 7 done, 6 more to go. Thank you Arlon Ikea! A friend in Italy told me that, in addition to light fixtures, kitchen cupboards and counters are also removed when a tenant leaves an apartment.
When you move into a house or an apartment here in Luxembourg there are no light fixtures. Wires, sockets and (possibly) bulbs are all you'll see. We had 13 light fixtures to buy and install. Let's see, we have 7 done, 6 more to go. Thank you Arlon Ikea! A friend in Italy told me that, in addition to light fixtures, kitchen cupboards and counters are also removed when a tenant leaves an apartment.
Is this a difference for you? Let me know!
Ah...yeah. I think I would be a little freaked out if I moved in and found no kitchen counters. lol
So do you have to wire in your fixtures like you do a ceiling fan?
The plug on that light looks different too.
BTW i loved the turkey post. It was freaky for sure.
The light fixture issue is a bit strange, but they are a lot easier to install than you would think.
In France, as apparently in Italy, unfurnished flats do not include any kitchen appliances and 99% do not include any kitchen counters or storage (I got lucky to have a mustard yellow storage system in mine though).
When I first got here the light bulbs shocked me as they have all different sorts: bayonnets, regular screw light bulbs, and small screw light bulbs, and I always forget which light takes which so I have a large collection.
Also, in France, the multitude of ways of flushing the toilet flummoxed me (not to mention the turkish toilets or the fact that their toilets are taller).... in the States, you have the standard flusher on the right when you are facing the toilet. Here, you can have an old chain pull, it can be above on the wall, on the top, some you push, some you pull - way too confusing for my blonde brain.
Bonne année to you and yours and I hope you continue to enjoy the adventure!
I guess you could chalk it up to pride in ownership. I hope you have to pay a lower rental damage deposit!
Too funny.
I follow your blog. This is my first time saying hi! I don't even remember how I stumbled across your blog.
It has been neat learning about all the differences in cultures---keep them coming!
In Japan too, when you move in there is a standard plug socket for lights in the ceiling so you just plug your own light in. It does mean you can choose what kind of light you want, a bulb or florescent etc.
Unfurnished places here, are exactly that, nothing, no appliances, there is usually a fitted kitchen area, you have to bring your own stove, 99% are gas and are easy to fit yourself BUT there are different types of gas so you need to check that your stove work on the one supplied to the apartment.
You left a comment on my flikr, so I thought I'd come check you out. Glad to know you.
p.s. I lived in England for a few months and I remember all of the little differences. Kinda quirky, but you get used to it.
I remember hearing from a friend that when she moved overseas there were no light fixtures or mirrors in her house. I can only imagine what people come and move to the u.s.
I am so glad you'll be posting more of these little bits. The counter thing?! Cray-Z!
So glad you are taking it all in with a happy, go lucky spirit.
Great idea. I love hearing about your adventures, and you're right... it's the little things that make you go hmmm...
Bizarre about the kitchen cabinets and counters... now it makes sense to me as to why Ikea makes a lot of that stuff stand alone.
I LOVE learning about this stuff. Thanks so much for sharing!
This post makes me smile! Thanks for bringing back great memories. Yes indeed, light fixtures are not considered part of the property. Your kitchen appliances? Not included. Your kitchen cabinets? Not included. Your hot water heater? Not included! Carpeting? Not included! Very strange from an American perspective. My husband and I sold all of these items to the girl who rented his apartment. I mean, what were we going to do with these items in our American house that came complete?
Thanks again for the reminder of a wonderful time!
yes this does not happen in Australia.. it would be like illegal... dont they know that if they just left them there... then they wouldn't have to buy any... if everyone did it!
and if it is for personal choice if I don't like a light I change it.. but atleast there was a light there in the first place
and where would you buy a kitchen counter if there wasnt one in the apartment? They have speciality stores selling lumps of wood? IF that happened here where would I buy a counter top?
same in Brasil.
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