Greetings Friends! Long time no see. Since my last post my sister had her second baby! Thanks to my mom and in-laws, who took care of my own kids, I was able to go meet her. Talk about getting my baby fix. It was wonderful.

One of the jobs during my visit was to take some "nice" pictures of little Ruby. Feeling confident with my new portrait lens I was happy to do it! Whoa, did it prove to be a difficult task! Newborns are tricky subjects. I really had no idea. Emily and I held a little photo shoot each day during her brief awake time - she was only 2 weeks old after all.

We set up blankets, boppies and pillows. Chose sweet little onesies. All in search of the one great photo. Or 2 or 3. We tried on the changing table, over Emily's shoulder, and balanced on her arm. We eventually googled how to photograph a newborn. Emily reported that according to google it is indeed hard. Ahem, like we didn't know.

The trouble is newborns are like limp little dolls. They are too little to be coaxed into smiling or persuaded to hold a pose. They also have about 100 different faces that they cycle through continuously - stretching, yawning, sneezing, sleeping, sucking, hands in the mouth, hands in the face - you get the idea.

But really, we were spending time together while watching this new wonderful being who has entered our lives. It was a joyful quest. And as you can see all the photos are perfect thanks to our darling little new model.

Hi K - these are the sweetest pictures ever. Great job. xo S
I love that you googled how to photograph a newborn. I think it worked, too, because the pictures are great. And she's adorable!
Oh my..I can't wait to hold her...July 9 is coming fast.
Congratulations to Emily and Jeff! What a beautiful gift!
lovely pictures!! She is so cute!
She is adorable and babies are tricky. I did a photo shoot of my daughter hoping she would be like those photos of sleeping babies. The 3 hours I had the photographer there she wiggled and squirmed.
Congratulations! She is perfect!
Nice job with the pictures, too :)
Is that a dimple I see? felicitations! she is adorable.
i love how you all take good care of each other.
much happiness to your sister and her family too!
Oh Welcome to the world little one!!! The sweetness in that teeny tiny face!!! Darling!!!
Thank you everyone!
Yes, Valerie, those are dimples!
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